Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It's been a while since I've had time to get on here and give a little update. I also need to upload some pictures of Jaxson's room. I've been trying to take advantage of all the overtime opportunities possible so I can build up my leave so I have plenty of time off when Jaxson gets here. Here's a little of what's been going on...

We had a doctor's appointment today; it was the first time that we actually scheduled with the doctor we chose for delivery. We've been meeting with a nurse practitioner. I had to drink a Sunkist 45 minutes before appointment time so they could check my sugar level. My blood sugar was 125 (as long as it's under 130 it's good) and my iron level was 11.50, which she said was good. We listened to the baby's heartbeat and the doctor said everything seemed to be going well. I am 25 weeks today :) Only 15 more before baby boy is here! I told him about the acid reflux and he gave me several prescriptions for pepcid, never know what insurance will cover today! I've gained about 2 1/2 pounds since our last appointment so that makes 14.50 total thus far. I'm not really stressing over the weight gain; I'm eating semi-healthy (besides the daily donuts..haha) and just trying to give baby boy plenty of nutrients so he's healthy!  I've decided not to get the H1N1 vaccine; I'm not comfortable with it. I would probably be okay with it if they had done long-term studies. The doctor didn't say anything about it today so I didn't bring it up either.

Jaxson is usually really active about every other day. He's slept most of the day today except for a few little kicks here and there. Yesterday I don't know how my organs survived :) I thought my insides were bruised to the point of me having to put pressure on my side because he was kicking so much. I love feeling him kick and I love watching my stomach move :) There's no way to explain that experience and it's truly a miracle!

Emmett and I have talked about having another 4D ultrasound. It's been 7 weeks since our regular u/s and 10 weeks since our last 4D. I am ready to see him again and am anxious to see how much he has changed since week 15! This time I hope to schedule so my parents can come and experience it with us! We went into Toys-R-Us last weekend for the first time and I'm now obsessed! They have such a large selection of baby necessities! I can't wait to pick out the playpen, high chair, stroller & carseat! It's amazing how fast your priorities change when you have kids. I never understood how my moma could go shopping and buy NOTHING for herself but everything for us...I now understand...I have more fun shopping for Jaxson than I do myself. Emmett asked me the other night if I will wear "mom jeans" after Jaxson is born..I think he's worried I will let myself go...hahaha :) Bless him...

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Jaxson's dresser/hutch was delivered yesterday. It looks great in the room! Much bigger than I expected but I can't wait to fill the drawers with clothes! :) He was VERY active yesterday so he must have known that it was coming in. I've been eating country ham biscuits for breakfast almost everyday so yesterday I decided to try a oats & honey bar. I don't think he cared for it too much...he kicked really hard until I finally had to go get a sausage biscuit. He calmed down :) He's already so much like Emmett...he loves to have his breakfast first thing in the morning! Nash usually barks between 4:30-5:30 every morning ready to get up and I've noticed that Jaxson is always kicking at that time. I read in my weekly update pregnancy book that he can hear the outside noises and that he's starting to adjust to them so they don't bother him once he's outside the womb. Guess Nash is just preparing him! :) It's 7:45 a.m. right now and I'm getting kicked pretty hard...guess he's ready for his ham biscuit!

Thursday, October 1, 2009