Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Birthday Week!

It's Jaxson's Birthday Week!!!

I'm so excited for his first little birthday but soooo sad too. We are having a "Milk & Cookies" party and I got a lot of inspiration from another blog that I follow.

On this day last year, I started having Braxton Hicks contractions. They were 3 minutes apart and they last 4 days. I also had my first of three false alarms on this day last year :) I was ready to have that baby out! I was told to stay home and relax...really? Is that possible?! So, I did...but I was bored...luckily my  mother-in-law was nice enough to babysit me so Emmett could work. All three times that I went to the hospital the nurses took one look at me and said "you aren't ready yet you are still smiling". But I was having contractions couldn't we just go ahead and do this thing! Nope, had to wait until January 29 to meet my precious baby boy.

Birthday post later to come...it will be picture overload!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Jaxson started really walking on January 1, 2011. Three days after getting tubes his balance was much better and he was taking more than just a couple of steps. His walking got even better the days after that and now he can pretty much walk where he wants to but still falls and crawls when he gets lazy.
Friday, 1-7-10, we were back at the doctor with an ear infection. I partially blame myself for this because I was not plugging his ears during bath time so he probably got a little water in there which caused this infection. Plugging his ears is a pain in my rear-end….you have to cut the cotton ball in half and then coat it with Vaseline and then shove it in his ears…and then he pulls it out and the process starts all over. I know I shouldn’t complain especially if it keeps my baby from having those nasty ear infections! *Fingers crossed*, this will be our last time on antibiotics for a while!!
Jaxson has been really cranky the past week-ear infection and 3 teeth coming in! He also has a new thing-throwing fits! It is absolutely the funniest thing I’ve seen but I know I should “nip it in the bud” before he’s throwing these fits when he’s 16. When we tell him “no” he will look at us-squint his eyebrows together-plop down in the floor-bend his back-scream and cry. When I ignore him and turn around, he will look up at me and stop. I dread the terrible 2’s if this is any sign of the way things will be! I’m not sure where he learned this fit throwing thing, but I sure hope it ends soon. He has also started to refuse the bottle some and only wants to feed himself. He doesn’t like for us to feed him baby food that much anymore and will reach for the spoon. That’s wonderful for development but what in the world am I supposed to feed him? He can pick up food using his fingers instead of his whole hand so he will eat the Gerber Puffs and depending on what we have for dinner I will give him some table food (green beans, mashed potatoes, roll). I guess I will try some of the Gerber Graduate meals. I’m just so worried he’s going to get choked. That brings up another new thing-putting everything in the mouth! In the past week, I have scooped out a knob, kleenex and paper out of his mouth.
Our best friends right now are Orajel, walking shoes and sippy cups of water!

From our infant carseat to our big boy carseat! He doesn't care for it too much right now because it's still backwards and my seat has a little incline so he sits straight up.

We finally got the child locks on the cabinet doors! That has helped a lot!

Christmas Eve/Day snow

The Parking Garage

Bath time!

Waiting to see the doctor...

3 teeth with 3 more on the way!

Resting with Dada

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I wanted to do a little recap of 2010 since a new year has snuck up on us! 2010 brought a BIG change to our lives…a change that I would do over again in a heartbeat…a change that took my heart and is now walking around with it…my Jaxson Cole was born in January 2010. A year ago today Emmett and I were going to our first parenting class at JSMC. And now we are planning a birthday party- It is so unreal to me that 2010 is gone! I remember the week we brought Jaxson home I thought “how in the world am I going to do this, what was I thinking, can I really pull this off?” I was absolutely scared to death and knew almost nothing about babies. I was so thankful to have my Moma there the first week and she did the night shifts so I could “rest.” We have had a lot of help over the past year and grandparents are always willing to stay the night to “help with the baby” a.k.a spoil him rotten. By February, we I was stir crazy and needed adult conversation and contact. We spent a few days in Bolivar so that he could meet family/friends and Emmett and I had a date on Valentine’s Day-our conversation consisted of “what do you think he’s doing, I wonder if he’s okay, should we go to a movie or just go home?” We did a lot of shopping because there just wasn’t much else to do in the middle of February when it’s freezing outside. I started back to work at the end of March and it was okay. I knew that Jaxson was being taken care of at daycare and I was ready for the daily routine to start. Jaxson went to his first baseball game to watch Uncle Jason play in April and then attended his first family reunion and wedding in May. We also traveled in May to Center Hill for the weekend to spend some time with family and to enjoy some time on the boat. This was the first trip away that wasn’t to a family member’s home so packing was a lot of fun! Jaxson spent June, July and August on the boat or in the pool. In September, Emmett and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary and it seems like Jaxson has been at the doctor’s office since then with allergies, congestion and ear infections since then! Jaxson made his first Ohio trip in October and was able to meet Emmett’s family! In the midst of all of this, Jaxson was trying to walk and ended up with lots of bumps and bruises on the head! In November, Emmett and I headed back to Columbus for an Ohio State game and had to leave Jaxson for the first time-it was HARD. Thank goodness it was only 3 days because I don’t think we could have made it longer than that! November also started our good eating for Thanksgiving! In December Jaxson had to get tubes for his ears. We cannot wait to see what 2011 has in our family’s future. Last night Jaxson asked for a little brother or sister to play with…haha…just kidding! It was a good thought for a minute and then it passed.

We have a birthday party, celebrating another year living in our house, celebrating another anniversary and many other upcoming events to look forward to in 2011! Happy New Year and may God bless your family this year with peace, happiness and health!

Checking in at JSMC on 01-28-10 at 11:30 p.m.

Jaxson Cole has arrived!
01-29-10 at 12:09 p.m.
7 lbs 12 oz 19 1/2 inces

And the snow started falling that night...and continued to fall all weekend!

Our New Family!