Friday, April 9, 2010

10 weeks old!

Jaxson is 10 weeks old today, it's so hard to believe! He's adjusting to daycare and we are getting settled in our new routine. He is getting to be such a big boy and is holding his head pretty steady these days. He slept through the night for the first time on April 5, 2010 and again on April 6, 2010. He's been having some tummy issues the past few days so he hasn't been sleeping very well. He attempts to make noises a little more everyday and really tries to get the sounds out. He loves his belly time and I've noticed that he likes to stare at the color red. He also has become a pro at pulling hair :) His legs are very strong and he's rolled from his stomach to this back a few times. He's even pushed over the top of the big boppy pillow to where his feet end up where his head started! He is learning how to grasp his pacifier and a few other things and will hold something in his hands for a few seconds. His loves his paci and being cuddled in a blanket. I started sitting him in the Bumbo (spelling?) for a few minutes everyday to help strengthen those neck muscles and help him learn to sit up. I can't help but smile everytime he gives me the biggest grin! He is a very handsome boy and Emmett and I are so lucky to have him! Everyday I thank God for Jaxson and his good health. God is great!

Jaxson got to celebrate his first Easter on April 4. Of course, the Easter Bunny came to see him! He brought him a bottle warmer, a new outfit, swimming trunks sunglasses and a floppy hat for the boat, a yellow stuffed duck and a new pair of shoes. To WaWa and PawPaw's house, the Easter Bunny brought formual, cereal, jars of baby food, scrapbook stickers, plastic eggs filled with goodies and savings bonds. To Papa and Nana Shaff's he brough Jaxson a new golf themed outfit with matching socks. We ate brunch at the Country Club and then spent the afternoon outside soaking up the sun with the Shaffer's. I'm so excited about next year because he will actually be able to do activities like die and hunt Easter eggs!

What's going on with Emmett and I: I was finally motivated enough to begin exercising. Emmett has been doing P90X again, this time for about 8 weeks straight. He looks wonderful {but I thought that before P90X :) } and he has so much more energy so I decided to start that with him. I will finish up week 1 today. I already feel better about myself and I've been making a conscious effort to eat healthier for the past 2 weeks. I doubt it's from the exercising but I can already get into 3 more pairs of my jeans! Emmett and his dad went and picked up the new boat (Malibu Wakesetter) yesterday. Emmett is so excited that he may just start living in the boat :) We can't wait to get on the water all summer and get Jaxson used to it!