Saturday, May 28, 2011

Update in Pictures

Carpet Burn Nose

Flip Flop time!

Jaxson & Grandma Shaffer

Daycare is just exhausting!

1st Predators Game (Easter)

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I’ve been MIA from my blog for a while long time…We’ve had so much going on and so little time to get anything done! I’m a horrible bloggingmother. Emmett has been on a couple of work trips lately, leaving me home with 2 dogs and a crazy-wild 15 month old. It’s amazing how clean my house stays when my 27 year old child isn’t there…we sure do miss him when he’s gone though!
Jaxson has gone from being wild to being crazy-wild! He is constantly on the go and doing something he doesn’t need to be doing! He has definitely learned how to test his limits. He knows there are certain candles/decorations he’s not supposed to play with. I will catch him sneaking over close to the untouchable, putting his finger on it and then looking to see if anyone is watching. He loves to talk and carry on conversations, although we have no idea what he’s saying. He does a lot of grunting and whining because he doesn’t know how to express what he’s thinking. Oh the whining-he’s still throwing those fall-out-in-the-floor tantrums and they drive me INSANE! Our action plan: walk away or out of the room when he starts to throw a fit. He usually stops shortly after, gets himself up off the floor and goes on about his business. He’s just like his Moma sometimes-has to get it out and then feels better!
He’s so smart-no really-he’s a genius! :) He knows what certain words mean. If I say go get your jacket or where’s your cup- he knows. He will look for the dogs if I ask where they are. He will pick up shoes if they are lying in the floor and take them to their owner. He’s such a little helper! He will pick up anything and bring it to you. If he gets into a cabinet, I ask him to close the door-and he closes it! Words: ball, dog, cat, milk, cup, truck, dada, nana Sounds: d, n, m, p, c, b, t, g (favorite this week!) Dog: rarara Cow:ooooooo Count: say 1 and hold up 1 finger-and then clap for himself; if I count 1-2-3 he claps for me :) He loves to drink milk and V8 Strawberry/Banana. He will eat most anything you put in front of him. He’s such a good eater-loves bananas lately. He loves to play peek-a-boo and hide & seek right now. His favorite thing to do is to hide under the clothes in the closet and have someone “scare” him. He LOVES (understatement) to be outside! If you take him outside, prepare for a fit when you take him inside. I think he could live out there just pushing toys back and forth and running around the yard. He loves to ride the 4-wheeler, lawn mower and anything else that moves.
He had his 15 month checkup on May 5, 2011. He weighed 21 lbs 4 oz and was 32” tall. He’s still slim-wearing mostly 12 month pants but 18 month shirts because he’s long in the torso. His checkup went fine besides the immunizations he had to get. Good news-no more until he’s 4! Size 3 diapers still but I think it’s about time to move up to size 4.
He had a checkup with the ENT on May 17, 2011. Dr. Logan said the tubes looked fine and seemed to be doing their job. Jaxson does not enjoy the doctor’s office and immediately begins to cry when the doctor walks in. Drama Drama…
I will try to post some pictures soon…yeah don’t hold your breath. He’s getting so big and really isn’t a baby anymore. And I am not ready for baby #2 AT ALL! I am slowly trying to plan our first family beach vacation-it will be mine and Emmett’s first vacation since our honeymoon! I went to Florida last summer with my mother, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and grandmother-in-law but Emmett hasn’t been anywhere since fall 2007! Poor guy. I can’t wait to get Jaxson on the beach although I’m sure he will despise the sand like his PawPaw.
Dada will be turning 28 on Monday! Geez…old man…