Wednesday, June 30, 2010

5 months old!

Our Jaxson Cole turned 5 months yesterday, June 29, 2010. He is such a big boy now. I'm not sure how much he weighs. He wasn't feeling very good yesterday, running a 101 fever. Although a doctor won't tell you teething causes a fever, my mommy instincts tell me different. He will chew on anything that he can get his hands on! He has the sweetest laugh and I love love hearing it! :) He is absolutely perfect and Emmett and I are absolutely in love with him! I love kissing his chubby cheeks and seeing him smile, definitely brightens the day. Last night we took him for a walk in his stroller. He was a little fussy but after the 2nd lap around the neighborhood he was asleep. He likes to sit straight up in the stroller now so that he can see everything. Nosy nosy nosy...he loves his jumpy and even has blisters on both feet from jumping so much this weekend at Pawpaw and Wa-wa's house. He is determined to sleep on his belly now with both hands above his head palms down. :) He likes to take his paci out, play with it a little bit, chew on it and put it back in. He still sits up supported but it won't be much longer before he's sitting up on his own. He will try to crawl, but honestly he's not in the floor very much so he doesn't have much opportunity. We have hardwood floors and with both dogs in his face it just doesn't work out very well. He is wearing 3-6 or 6 months clothes so he's pretty much on target. He seems to be getting really tall and is still a cuddle bug. Happy 5 months baby Jaxson, Mommy and Daddy love you very much!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A New Vision

Today I am thankful and truly blessed! Until I started blogging, I didn’t realize how many people struggle with infertility issues or experience the loss of a child. Thank you God for blessing our family and giving us our beautiful baby boy! Many families struggle with finances and other issues daily but at the end of the day it’s the family time that really matters. This life is not about the things we can or cannot buy- it’s about enjoying each and every day with those you love. Last night Jaxson was fussy so I said a prayer out loud hoping that hearing my voice would put him at ease, he went right to sleep afterwards. He slept all night without waking 1 time for his paci- I even got up a few times to make sure he was breathing. Part of our nightly routine will be to say a prayer from now on. It seems like every Thursday night I’m packing our bags to go somewhere-it’s either a shower or a wedding all the time. Emmett and I have neglected finding a church in Hopkinsville because 1) we are never home 2) we just aren’t sure where to start 3) after Jaxson was born I’m really nervous about putting him the nursery where we don’t know anyone and 4) we are afraid of making people mad if we aren’t able to make it to the wedding/shower. It’s just impossible to make it to every event we have been invited to over the past several years, especially now with a baby. You can’t really understand how hard it is to travel with a baby until you have one and every event we are invited to requires traveling. My goal for our family for June is to visit at least 1 church in Hopkinsville: we will probably start with First Baptist since that’s where Jaxson goes to daycare. Since we don’t have a lot of family that lives close, I think finding a church family will be a great support system for us, help us grow in our relationship with one another as well as with God and will enable us to meet more people in Hopkinsville.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Year Ago...

It has almost been a year since we found out that we were expecting. I can’t believe a whole year has passed us by and so much has happened! We were so nervous about the future because we had no idea what was ahead of us. But with the support of great family and friends, we made it through 39 weeks of pregnancy just fine and were finally able to meet our sweet sweet baby boy! We are so blessed to have Jaxson Cole in our life. He is such a sweet natured baby and I am so thankful that he's healthy thus far. I truly can’t imagine life without him and can’t remember what life was like before him. The beginning was definitely an adjustment but I think Emmett and I have finally started to settle into a routine and finally feel comfortable having a baby. Every day that he does something new brings such great joy to our lives. Jaxson can bring a smile to our face faster than anyone else. We love you so much baby boy and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!

4 Months!!

Jaxson Cole had his 4 month checkup on May 27, 2010 with Dr. Kahn. He weighed 13.7 pounds and was 26 inches long. He is in the 50th percentile for his weight and 75th percentile for his height. Dr. Kahn said he seemed to be doing fine and said we could start cereal and baby food. Jaxson was a little congested but Dr. Kahn said his lungs and chest sounded clear.

Our baby turned 4 months old on May 29, 2010. He also tried baby food for the first time on the same day. The look on his face was priceless! I think more of the carrots ended up on the bib and his face than in his mouth. He seemed to like it okay. His tongue pushed quite a bit of it out but he did consume some! He has been taking cereal at night for a couple of weeks so we will continue with that. I will probably substitute his late afternoon/dinner feeding with baby food for now and substitute a little more as he gets older. He still likes to be standing or sitting. He has really started to enjoy the exosaucer(spelling??) and walker lately. He is able to push backwards and side to side. He still makes his noises but no “dada” or “mama” yet although we practice quite often. He is beginning to look a lot like Emmett. Jaxson is such a cuddle bug and I hope he stays that way for a while!

Jaxson slept in his bed for the first time on June 1, 2010 (Wa-Wa’s birthday!). I can’t remember what time he woke up crying but I’m guessing it was around 3 a.m. and I put him in our bed for the rest of the morning.