Friday, August 27, 2010


Mr. Jaxson is officially crawling! He's been scooting, rolling and pushing for quite a while but he's finally doing the real thing! Time to baby proof the house!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Drum Roll Please...

The new stroller!! It’s light, smaller frame, takes up less space in the vehicle but still has the basket underneath, nice grip for Mommy and back support for Mr. Jaxson. All those aisles and stores we couldn’t quite maneuver in before-WATCH OUT!

This Little Boy...

is absolutely a blessing and holds the key to his Mommy’s heart…

has his Daddy wrapped around his tiny finger…

is laid back like his Daddy and doesn’t get upset easily…

has a reputation at daycare for being “self-entertaining”…

sleeps so peacefully and looks like a little angel…

moved up to the next classroom at daycare on 08.23.10 which broke Mommy’s heart because it won’t be long before he’s changing classes at school…

has not yet mastered crawling but loves to get up on his hands and feet…

loves to be talked to…

is loved beyond measure by four grandparents, an aunt, an uncle, 4 great-grandmothers and many many others

loves being fed his baby food (on his schedule, of course!)…

is so amazing and has the sweetest “serious face”…

will never know just how much his Mommy & Daddy love and adore him!!

Homemade sugar cookies we made for his old & new teachers.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jaxson's 6 month pictures!

Here are a few of Jaxson's 6 month pictures- the computer would probably crash if I uploaded all 61 of them! :)

My sweet baby boy!

I had this made for him before he was finally fits!

The elephant from Aunt Megs

So funny...

LOVE this!

Daddy and his boy!

Uncle Jason's wagon from about 12 years ago...

Thank you again April for doing such a wonderful job capturing
the sweetness of our baby boy!

Friday, August 13, 2010

“Da da da da…”


I normally don’t get the chance to blog on Fridays…we are usually cleaning, shopping or traveling somewhere. While Jaxson takes his “cat nap” I wanted to write about a few things he’s been doing this week. He has been running in the walker. I will probably have to bubble wrap everything in the house, including the dogs. When the dogs see or hear him coming in the walker, they run to a carpeted area :) Smart puppies…he has also figured out that while in the walker he can reach things- decorative dishes, potted plant, cabinet handles….NOT GOOD! While we ran a few errands today, I decided to try him in the buggy, normally I tote him in the carrier but it’s almost getting too heavy for me to carry. I think he enjoyed sitting like a big boy, until he got tired and was ready to lie down. Tuesday morning while I was getting ready for work, I noticed him saying syllables…it actually sounded like something! I just knew he was saying “da da” but if I got closer to listen he would stop. Finally, today he’s been saying “Da da da da” all day! While I would love for him to say “mama” I’m just excited that he’s saying something!! Right now he loves to take his paci out and hold it in his hand while he moves his wrist back and worth. I think he’s getting ready to be a pitcher or a basketball player! He is really ticklish around his thighs, neck and under arms. He has the sweetest little giggle! He loves to eat his baby food but the bottle still has a special place in his heart :) He sleeps in his crib every night from around 8:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. I love to snuggle with him but it’s much more comfortable for the entire family if he sleeps in his own bed. He is always going- kicking his feet, moving his arms/hands, trying to crawl, putting everything in his mouth- he’s a busy busy boy! He is still wearing 3-6 month clothes and has almost grown out of size 2 diapers. He has a follow-up appointment on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 to re-check his ears. I will be posting his 6 month pictures soon! They look awesome and I’m so excited about our first professional family picture! :)


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sick Baby Update

I took Jaxson to the doctor today and he has a sinus infection and ear infection. I've been blaming all of this on his shots! He started his meds today so hopefully he will feel better soon!

Love you Jaxson Cole! Get Well!

Bath Fun & Other Goodies!

Well, we didn't have the most exciting weekend and Mommy was extremely stressed with having a sick boy but someone sure did start feeling better last night and loved his bath! I usually lay him on his little mat to give him a bath but last night he wanted to flop over on his belly.

Loves to splash! Guess it's time to get the bath toys out!

Here are some other pictures that I found on my camera from last happy happy boy :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Shots=Fever=Not much fun...

Jaxson had his 6 month old checkup on Friday, July 30, 2010. Unfortunately, he had to get 3 more shots and he was not happy about it! He needed lots of hugs and kisses afterwards and I was happy to give them! He weighed 16 pounds and is 26 ¼ inches long- 50th percentile for height and weight. Dr. Kahn did the routine- pulled him up to a sitting position to test his neck strength, flipped him over on his belly to check neck strength again, checked all of his joints and listened to his heart/chest. When Dr. Kahn flipped him over to his belly, he was pleasantly surprised to see Jaxson pop up on hands and knees and try to crawl- in a very shocked excited voice Dr. Kahn said “he’s so advanced, trying to crawl so early!” I was one proud moma. I already knew he was advanced….because he’s so perfect anyway! :) Anyway, we can move up to stage 2 foods and start 5-6 ounces of juice now. He is still in 3-6 or 6 months clothes. I can’t wait for his 6 month pictures on Saturday…I hope the heat holds off a little since we will be outside! I have moved into the planning stage of Jaxson’s 1st birthday- I have decided on a “Milk & Cookies” theme. I’m so excited about it and found the cutest ideas on another blog! I will probably have to make/create the invitations myself so I’m going to start working on those soon to see how they turn out. I also found an idea for a “Time Capsule” that you fill with lots of things from their first year of life and they get to open it when they turn 18! I’m so excited about that too…I love little things like that! Hopefully the time capsule won’t get misplaced before he turns 18…

Saturday morning Jaxson woke up with a little fever but I assumed it was from the shots and would go away pretty quickly with a little bit of Tylenol…WRONG…he had the fever off and on until Sunday night :( He was 1 unhappy boy all weekend which means everyone was unhappy. He hardly slept at all Saturday night which was not good for Mommy or Daddy. He had a lot of company (Wa-Wa and PawPaw drove up and left all on the same day=6 hours of traveling!) but wasn’t in the playing mood. I had hoped to get some cute pictures of him to post but that didn't quite happen this weekend.

He was all smiles this morning when he woke up so I’m hoping the fever is gone for good. Max and Nana Shaff stayed with him today so I could work (I pretty much had to twist their arms to get them to come stay with him..haha). I’m hoping to go home to a happy baby boy today…1 thing is for certain…we will NOT be playing outside anytime soon with the temperature pushing a 100 degrees and heat index anywhere from 104-110! NO THANKS, we like the air conditioner at our house!