Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Third Time Is A Charm????

Hello Everyone! Emmett here,wanted to keep everyone out there up to date on how Jessica is progressing and give a little insight to what has taken place in the past 48 hours. Jessica had all of her coworkers in a panic monday morning when the 1st wave on contractions hit her during her monthly staff meeting. Her wonderful boss (Mrs. Dana Matlock) rushed her to hospital. I rushed home from work after getting a call from one of Jessica's co workers (Maria Cansler) and was there just in time for the nurse to tell us that she was having steady contractions however she was not progressing enough to stay... they smiled and kicked us out lol... Jessica however spent the rest of the afternoon and the majority of the evening having painful contractions that hit every 3 to 5 mins. This morning we woke up and I went to work while my mother (Grandma Pat) stayed with Jessica... 0900 rolled around and Jessica called the Doctors office to see what she needed to do after having steady contractions for 24 hours. They told her to come in to allow the doctor to check her progression. She spent a couple of hours hooked up to the monitors, however when our Doc came in he told her that she was too happy to be in labor and that he would see her on friday. So the nurses gave her a pop tart and sent her packing for the second time.

   We are all praying that the third time will be the charm!!! Jessica is doing great handling the pain and stress involved with labor. I could not be more proud of her. We both can't wait to meet Jaxson Cole for the 1st time, and I am positive Jessica is tired of being kicked in the bladder.

I will try to update the blog again later in the week or possibly after Jaxson's arrival. We both would like to thank all of our family and friends for the help this week, we are truly blessed to have all of you!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Our doctor's appointment on 01.14.2010 was interesting and exciting. The doctor said that I have dilated some and that Jaxson has moved down between my pelvic bones, which is a good sign. His heartbeat was good. I was having a lot of back pain on Wednesday and Thursday and the doctor even said "Wow, you look miserable." :) Emmett made sure to tell him that he was the only person that could say that and get away with it! We talked about the 29th and he said I would arrive at the hospital at midnight on the 28th and he would come in around 8:00 a.m. to break my water and I would get the epidural then. He said we should have a baby between 12-5 p.m. YAHH!! My next appointment is at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, January 20. My doctor is "on call" Wednesday so he wanted to see me that day just in case I've progressed more than expected and Jaxson decides to come early!

We had a long 4 day weekend that involved lots of work, cleaning, nesting and walking! I think Moma was trying to walk him out of me on Saturday :) We shopped from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Saturday...but we got a lot done! We exchanged all of the duplicates and bought the things we still needed. I learned a life lesson- never go back to Toys R Us! Sunday involved more shopping and buying...we took today to clean. I finally feel prepared for Jaxson to get here. We installed the car seat into my truck which was quite an experience! I expected it to fit much tighter and to not move AT ALL but it doesn't quite work like that...Emmett's patience wore very thin with the car seat.

We have the last child birth education class tomorrow night- we are suppposed to tour the labor & delivery floor, doctor's appointment Wednesday and then my parents will be making a trip up on Friday night to spend the weekend. Only 7 days of work left for me!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010


We had our first child birth education class on Tuesday, January 5, 2010. It started at 6:00 p.m. and we got out shortly after 8:00 p.m. We learned a lot more than I thought we would. We learned a lot of interesting, not so appealing, facts about the pre-birth events. We also learned some massage/pressure point techniques to utilize while I'm in labor to hopefully help ease the contrations somewhat.

Yet another doctor's appointment (01.06.2010) to blog about...this time we were in and out in 45 minutes! How exciting!! Blood pressure and Jaxson's heartbeat were fine. I gained 1 lb this time making my total weight gain 27 lbs. Each time I get weighed, I look at the scale and think "really, are you sure that number is right?" :) The doctor asked us if we would want him to induce labor or do it the old fashioned way. It really doesn't matter to either of us, I guess. The doctor explained that he likes to induce after 38 1/2 weeks just because it is easier on mommy and baby and since Jaxson is just gaining weight right now there's really no point in waiting until the due date. He suggested that if Jaxson doesn't come before, that we induce on January 29, 2010. We just thought we were having a February baby! I do hope that he's ready on the 29th and doesn't keep us all waiting...especially me! I can tell that he's moved down some this week...I walk a little slower, all of my pants fold down instead of going over the belly and I've started to waddle like a duck.

We got about an inch and a half of snow Wednesday night/Thursday morning. I didn't leave the house until Friday afternoon because the roads aren't clear but they are driveable. We will leave around 7:30 in the morning to drive down to Paris for the girls' baby shower! I'm so excited to see all of them! We will have our last shower on Sunday in Bolivar.

The anxiety of wanting everything in order and in place before he gets here has definitely been on the rise since the doctor's appointment. On Monday I thought I had 4 weeks and then to find out Wednesday that I only have 3 weeks....the pressure! :) I should be pretty prepared...every drawer/closet/cabinet in our house has been cleaned out and organized! Just ask Emmett! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


35 Weeks


It’s so hard to believe that Jaxson will soon be here. I have been “nesting” like crazy. I’m sure he doesn’t care if Mommy & Daddy’s closets are cleaned out or if the floors are spotless or if his room is in perfect order. It seems like there is so much to get ready in such a short period of time and not knowing when we will make the mad dash to the hospital makes it even harder to get things ready. Between getting things organized at home and at work, I’m usually frazzled. I’m going to work on getting my bag packed this week sometime and I’m going to get the camera/video camera charged and ready to make those first shots! I get nervous about the labor & delivery sometimes but most times it’s out of my mind because of everything else going on. I realize it’s going to be painful (I’ve been told MANY times by numerous people) but that’s just the beginning of an amazing journey ahead. I’ve never had any type of surgery/hospital stay so I’m sure it won’t be the most pleasant experience but just knowing I am that much closer to seeing baby boy will make things bearable. No turning back now! Jaxson doesn’t kick as much as he used to he just enjoys rolling around now. I can tell that he’s spread from one side to the other…gotta love the “love handles” that he’s giving me :) I’m still in my routine of drinking a glass of milk before bed every night that usually wakes him up. I’ve been sleeping better than normal which is a little shocking. I don’t know if it’s because I am so worn out or if I’ve finally adjusted to sleeping on my side. I am so anxious for him to be here but I’m going to miss having him all to myself and feeling him roll around or have the hiccups. I don’t think you ever truly understand the love a parent has for his/her child until you are in that role. It’s amazing how fast your priorities can change. I will still enjoy shopping I’m sure but fashion/shoes/trendy clothes all of a sudden don’t impress me that much anymore. In the past, I would beg/bargain with Emmett for a $100 pair of heels but now I’m so excited about my North Face fleece pants & jacket that I can’t hardly stand it! I can’t wait to wear them home from the hospital and cuddle up with my baby boy for the 6-8 weeks after he’s born! Now I beg/bargain with Emmett to let me stay home instead of returning to work…hahaha…I would be willing to sacrifice the expensive shoes any day for that! I know that Emmett is just as excited about Jaxson’s arrival as he loves to talk to him and asks daily how his baby boy is doing. He’s going to be a wonderful Daddy and Jaxson is going to have him wrapped around his little finger from day one.

If it continues to stay as cold as it’s been, I’m just going to hibernate in the house until February. There are benefits to being pregnant in the winter time (less swelling due to heat) but no one warns you that you will need a parka! I thought I would be okay because one of my ski jackets still zips but I didn’t expect it to stay below 20 degrees for so long! We have 2 baby showers this weekend, one in Paris and the other in Bolivar. I am so excited to see everyone and hope the roads are clear. Hopkinsville is expected to get 3-4 inches of snow from Wednesday night to Thursday afternoon with high temperatures of 12 degrees; yes that’s the high, and even colder than that for Friday night. In the 2 years we’ve lived in our house, it hasn’t been this cold for this long. This we know for a fact, because the emergency heat for the upstairs has been unknowingly unplugged since it was installed in October 2007. We just realized it this past weekend  :)

We have our first Lamaze class tonight. I can’t say that I’m excited about it but I’m not dreading it either. I just hope they don’t try to scare us to death because quite frankly I’m long past that. I’m just counting the days and hoping they will slow down & speed up all at the same time…


Jaxson is due 1 month from today!