Wednesday, March 16, 2011

SICK of being sick!

That’s Jaxson’s exact thought right now! Here’s a recap of the past month or so…
January 27 (2 days before his birthday) he had the flu…
February 9, he got the stomach virus for a full week…it was AWFUL…
February 17 (2 days before my birthday) he got RSV and then bronchitis…that brought with it something new for us…breathing treatments. His nebulizer is a fire truck though so that helped a little. He despised the treatments at first but towards the end of the week he did okay with them. The emergency room doctor diagnosed him with pneumonia and RSV and sent us home with an antibiotic prescription-thanks but no thanks-we were at his doctor the next morning (February 18) because he was having problems breathing and his doctor said he actually had a touch of bronchitis and RSV. He started him on the breathing treatments and those really helped. His oxygen level that morning was 95-which isn’t bad but isn’t good. Because it was okay, he did not have to be hospitalized which I was VERY THANKFUL for! But the doctor said if he didn’t get any better over the weekend to bring him back to the ER to be admitted. Luckily, he was better in about a week. At our follow-up appointment on the following Monday, his oxygen level was better and the doctor said his chest/back sounded almost 70% better compared to Friday.
That was definitely one of the most stressed months of my life I think…I just want my baby to be happy & healthy!
March 6 he started having cold-like symptoms but it may be allergies. I also think he’s cutting a new tooth because he’s chewing on everything again. He hasn’t chewed like this in a long time!  He isn’t running a fever so we aren’t making a trip to the doctor yet.
PRAISE: no ear infections since January 7!!!!

This picture is a little scary but he was excited!

Long overdue Update:

I can’t believe I haven’t updated the blog since his birthday! I’m really behind on things. Since then he got his first haircut on February 5, 2011 at Danny’s Barbershop in Bolivar. That was quite the experience! Jaxson was not happy and squirmed the entire time making it a little hard to get those hair lines perfectly straight. Every now and then he would stop screaming and turn around and look at himself in the mirror. I think I had just as much hair on me as he did!

Since then we have just been running like crazy as usual…always on the road! My birthday was sort of a bust…I was happy that my parents came up and I got great gifts but Jaxson was really sick so I was stressed and not really in the mood. Last weekend (March 4-5), Emmett and I went to see Jason Aldean and Erick Church in Lexington, Kentucky with Emmett’s parents, his sister and her boyfriend. My parents took off work and came up to stay with Jaxson. It was a quick but nice trip.

Jaxson walks/runs around like a crazy man ALL DAY. He absolutely never stops and I’m not sure where he gets all of his energy. He loves to play, aggravate the dogs, eat and be outside. He loves to eat yogurt-I think he would eat it for every meal every day if he could! He also loves spaghetti/pastas, chicken & dumplings, nutri-grain bars, goldfish, fig newtons and MILK MILK MILK! He will eat most anything these days which is better than the transition phase we were in about a month ago. He will be moving up to the 1 year old room at daycare on April 4, 2011. He loves to push his trucks and make the noises to go along with it. He pulls out every book he owns and throws them on the floor. He will share his food with anyone and then say “tank who”. Still not really saying “mama”-I blame it on him just being hardheaded! Loves to say “dada” though when I slowly say “mama” to him. He is a nosy-rosy and is a people watcher like his mama. He loves to be outside and will cry/throw a fit when you make him go in the house. He will grab one of my brushes and brush his hair. He has started biting some but I hope it just goes away….He will say “yep” and nod his head up and down when you ask him something. I think he repeats me when I say “done” when he is finished eating. I pick up on these ½ words although I’m sure no one else can understand him...haha. He loves to chase the dogs with his toys and loves to have his belly tickled. He wants someone to hold his hand when he’s walking. Still doesn’t enjoy having his diaper changed and I’m not enjoying it much either since he’s on regular food now. He is such a little man now and it makes me sad but he’s still such a mama’s boy! I love picking him up at daycare and him smiling and running to me….BEST FEELING EVER! I recently bought him a pair of Puma tennis shoes (cutest things ever!) and he got a Hurley shirt to match his Daddy’s and it just makes him look grown. Oh, and he’s obsessed with his bowl of snacks…if he even spots the bowl he has to have it in his hands even if he doesn’t eat the snacks! Most kids get attached to a blanket or stuff animal…not mine! He is a messy messy eater and could care less if he gets the food all over him or the floor or anything else that will stand in the way-dogs…

I think that about sums up our life lately. We just take it all day by day and praise God for all that he has blessed our family with. I have really enjoyed church the past couple of Sundays and the sermons have really spoken to me. It’s just a good feeling knowing that He’s on our side during this crazy world we live in. When I get really stressed I have to remember to just pray about it and let God handle it for me.

Updated pictures of my handsome little man...
Playing at the Park

 Jaxson at Averly's 1st birthday party on March 12, 2011

LOVES riding the 4-wheeler, lawn mower and anything else that moves!