Tuesday, August 30, 2011

19 Months

In the past month Jaxson went to "time out" for the first time at daycare. He was hitting others on the head with toys. He's been bitten numerous times because when he wants a toy-he takes it. He's not good at sharing yet. He's a pro at throwing fits-I had to leave a restaurant one night because he would not stop screaming-we were with the whole family-thanks Jaxson :) If he doesn't want something, he will throw it in the floor. He now SCREAMS NOOOO when he doesn't get his way. We may be headed to the Dr. Phil show soon. He's so sweet when he's lovey though. His tongue seems to always be sticking out when he's playing or thinking about something...haha....You can ask him if his diaper needs to be changed and he will walk to the changing table. When he has a stinky, he will back up for you to look in his diaper. We need to start introducing the potty...but that would really make him a big boy!

Love trucks

Riding with Nash in the car...tongue hanging out for both of them...

18 Months

Jaxson’s 18 month check up was on August 11, 2011. He weighs 23 lbs 8 oz and is 32 ¾ inches tall. He’s a little man. He’s so long in the torso but has little short legs. He can still wear 12-18 month shorts but needs 18-24 month shirts to cover up the big belly. He has lots of words-some I think I’m probably the only one who can understand. Car-go go go- Gunner-bye bye-dada-moma-wawa-pawpaw-water-nana-ball-MINE-NO-ouccchhh-hey-hewo “hello”-doggie-duck-truck and that’s just a preview. He can understand basic commands such as when I tell him to go throw something away, go put a toy back in the play room, take his empty clothes basket back to his room, put things back in the freezer, take dogs for a walk. He loves to give hugs, kisses and blow kisses. He just amazes me sometimes with everything he knows/learns. He can identify his mouth (by opening wide), eyes (by squinting and pointing to them), ears, hair, nose and sometimes fingers and toes. He plays and runs nonstop. I don’t know where he gets all the energy. He’s a great eater. He will eat most anything you put in front of him-especially sweets. He’s obsessed with brushing his teeth. He knows where we keep his toothbrush and will open the drawer and pull it out when he’s ready to brush his teeth. He’s really getting tall and I don’t realize it until he’s looking over the bathroom vanity at me or reaching onto the kitchen counter to put his cut up. He’s a messy messy eater and by the time he’s finished he will have food in his hair, it will be all over the high chair, floor and usually me. He’s a busy boy but we love him more than anything!

At his doctor's appointment. I love those little sweet hands!