Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy 3 months baby boy!

On April 29, 2010 , Jaxson Cole turned 3 months old. 3 months…wow where did it go? He is so entertaining these days! He loves to hear himself make noises. He LOVES to be sitting upright. He leans out of the carseat and we have to strap him into the NapNanny now because if not he will end up laying sideways in it. He enjoys the bumbo and he likes to lay on his back in the floor now. Just last week he watched a Baby Einstein DVD for 30 minutes without taking his eyes off of the television. He also likes to be standing and will move his feet as if he’s trying to walk. We put him in a walker and he can push himself backwards. He can’t wait to be mobile! He smiles a lot now too. No laughing yet, just a screech like he’s trying to laugh. He is now taking 6 ounces every 4 hours. He has just started to spit up some. He’s not a fast eater and I don’t think he overeats so I’m not sure what’s causing him to spit up…unless it’s all the bouncing and playing we do after feedings :) He recently outgrew almost all of his 0-3 month clothes. We weighed him a few weeks ago and he was 13.0 pounds! They have been packed in a tub and put in the attic in case he ever has a little brother. He consistently sleeps through the night now, which is fantastic! He loves his paci and loves to smack on it when he’s really tired. I’ve just noticed him starting to grasp things and play with his belly and toes. He is such a sweet boy and has such a good nature. He still looks like his Daddy some days and then other days he looks like his uncle Jason or his pawpaw. He took his first golf cart ride on April 30, 2010 and experienced his first time in the bathtub hiding from a tornado on May 1, 2010. He took his first daycare pictures on April 27, 2010 which happened to be the same day his Daddy had to attend driving school in Clarksville. :)

He had to go to the doctor on his 3 month birthday for a cough, upset stomach and just not feeling well. I was more concerned with his cough hoping it didn’t settle in his chest. The doctor said his chest sounded fine and gave us an antibiotic just in case his cough didn’t get better in 3-4 days. During the doctor’s visit, he rolled over from his back to his stomach on the table.

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