Tuesday, August 30, 2011

19 Months

In the past month Jaxson went to "time out" for the first time at daycare. He was hitting others on the head with toys. He's been bitten numerous times because when he wants a toy-he takes it. He's not good at sharing yet. He's a pro at throwing fits-I had to leave a restaurant one night because he would not stop screaming-we were with the whole family-thanks Jaxson :) If he doesn't want something, he will throw it in the floor. He now SCREAMS NOOOO when he doesn't get his way. We may be headed to the Dr. Phil show soon. He's so sweet when he's lovey though. His tongue seems to always be sticking out when he's playing or thinking about something...haha....You can ask him if his diaper needs to be changed and he will walk to the changing table. When he has a stinky, he will back up for you to look in his diaper. We need to start introducing the potty...but that would really make him a big boy!

Love trucks

Riding with Nash in the car...tongue hanging out for both of them...

18 Months

Jaxson’s 18 month check up was on August 11, 2011. He weighs 23 lbs 8 oz and is 32 ¾ inches tall. He’s a little man. He’s so long in the torso but has little short legs. He can still wear 12-18 month shorts but needs 18-24 month shirts to cover up the big belly. He has lots of words-some I think I’m probably the only one who can understand. Car-go go go- Gunner-bye bye-dada-moma-wawa-pawpaw-water-nana-ball-MINE-NO-ouccchhh-hey-hewo “hello”-doggie-duck-truck and that’s just a preview. He can understand basic commands such as when I tell him to go throw something away, go put a toy back in the play room, take his empty clothes basket back to his room, put things back in the freezer, take dogs for a walk. He loves to give hugs, kisses and blow kisses. He just amazes me sometimes with everything he knows/learns. He can identify his mouth (by opening wide), eyes (by squinting and pointing to them), ears, hair, nose and sometimes fingers and toes. He plays and runs nonstop. I don’t know where he gets all the energy. He’s a great eater. He will eat most anything you put in front of him-especially sweets. He’s obsessed with brushing his teeth. He knows where we keep his toothbrush and will open the drawer and pull it out when he’s ready to brush his teeth. He’s really getting tall and I don’t realize it until he’s looking over the bathroom vanity at me or reaching onto the kitchen counter to put his cut up. He’s a messy messy eater and by the time he’s finished he will have food in his hair, it will be all over the high chair, floor and usually me. He’s a busy boy but we love him more than anything!

At his doctor's appointment. I love those little sweet hands!

Monday, July 11, 2011


I'm trying to figure out what theme to go with for Jaxson's 2nd birthday party. I realize that I still have about 6 months until time but the theme is the hardest part! Any suggestions would be appreciated! Below are some ideas that I found that I'm liking...

Circus theme party-serve candy, caramel apples, popcorn....

Retro Airplane Party: serve peanuts and other goodies...

Radio Flyer Red Wagon party
I LOVE the mini wagon used for decoration. We have been thinking about getting Mr. Jaxson a red wagon so how perfect would that be for a birthday gift?!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Quilts are a big part of our family history. The first quilt I remember was the one my great-grandmother made me when I was five or six. It was a "little red riding hood" quilt. Since then, I've gotten several. My great-aunts made quilts and passed them down. My grandmothers made quilts. Now my Moma has started making quilts as a hobby. I remember being 10 or 11 years old and telling my grandmothers that I wanted their quilt racks when they passed, not the family jewelry or any expensive possessions but the quilt racks! I don't know if it's just a "southern thing" or not but I love it. I can't sew a button on so I don't forsee myself making quilts any time soon! Below are just a few pictures of the quilts my Moma has cut out, sewed together, quilted and binded in her spare time. If you know someone who just needs tops quilted, she can also do that. I am so proud of her and Jaxson loves the quilts she has made for him!

 I don't know whose adorable baby that is!

 Love this cowboy quilt! She can also make it with all little cowboy squares like below..

Friday, June 24, 2011

17 months

Exhausted. That’s how I feel most days. Exhausted. My little sweet precious cute Jaxson wears me out! Every post I talk about how busy he is but really…he’s B.U.S.Y.! I haven’t blogged lately. I love reading the updates on other peoples’ blogs but I dislike having to write my own. Jaxson had his 2nd haircut June 2, 2011. Still traumatic event. We spend our weekends 1 of the following ways: Bolivar, Clarksville, wedding, river, pool or outside at home. The boy LOVES being outside and will throw a fit when you make him go inside. His new favorite word is “No”. “Jaxson, let’s go get dressed for school. No.” “Do you want your cup? No.” If you try to give him something he has already said no to he will take his hand and push it away. He knows what he wants. But if you say let’s go outside or get your shoes, he’s on it! He runs to the door! He doesn’t say a whole lot but he definitely understands what I say to him. If you ask him to go get something, he will bring it to you. If he hears the dogs barking, he perks up and says “Doggie Doggie Doggie Doggie” while looking at you with those little eyebrows raised almost like it’s a question. His Daddy taught him a new trick-the monster growl. He growls and shakes his head from side to side. He LOVES water. Give the boy a water hose and turn the water on and he will play for hours. He loves to drink out of the water hose-he soaks himself in the process. Sweetest thing ever to see too. When I point to myself and say “who am I” he replies with “nana” while pointing to himself. “What’s your name? dacson.” “What’s his name (point at Daddy)? Dada (pointing at himself of course).” My son calls me Nana. He really thinks he’s saying it with an “m” because I say “no mmmm mama” and he replies with “nana.” My parents love this because my brother, Jason, called me Nana from the time he started talking until probably when he was in kindergarten. Jaxson also calls a banana “nana”. Another love for him-bananas. And now banana popsicles thanks to Dada. Jaxson is still a really good eater. He will eat most anything at anytime of the day. He drinks his milk, V8, juice and water with no problems. He despises his allergy medicine and will clench his jaws and teeth together when he sees the syringe coming (I have to shoot it into his mouth). He likes to play/chew on straws and looks absolutely precious walking around with a juice box with those sweet little lips sucking on a straw. Another bottom tooth (towards the back) just popped through with 2 more on the way. He sleeps in his bed most nights all night. Fans on, stuffed animals and blankets tucked beside him=sleeping baby.

 Getting a drink of water...

Gunner taking care of a little bit of business in the background, hahaha

His hair before his haircut in June

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The "P" word...

The bad habit. Jaxson’s attachment. Mommy & Daddy’s enemy. We are working to get rid of the pacifier. I struggle because it’s nice to have when he’s getting fidgety or when he’s screaming in a restaurant or other public place. But, he just looks too old for it when he has it in his mouth. Plus, I’m hoping by getting rid of it that it will encourage new words. He goes all day at daycare without it. But when he comes home, he wants it. He thinks he’s supposed to have a paci on car rides, while getting his diaper changed and when it’s night-night time. He even knows where we keep the paci’s in the house-box on his dresser shelf and bowl in the kitchen. I have hid the box in his bedroom. Yesterday afternoon began the journey. He had a meltdown after his bath (it was before dinner so that may have contributed a little) and stood in front of his dresser and pointed up to where the box was and cried and cried and cried. I know I’ve talked about his snubbing before but he really does get it from me. Crying hard brings on the “snubbing” and even after we are through crying we still snub a little. After about 10 minutes he came out of his bedroom and was okay. He had dinner and then we went for a walk around the neighborhood and he was fine. Then came bedtime…he already fights going to sleep so when he realized he wasn’t getting his paci then he was upset all over again. I put him in his bed for about 5 minutes while he screamed/cried/kicked. When I went back to get him, he was snubbing and went to sleep after about 3 minutes of rocking. He was even snubbing in his sleep. L I almost gave in…he went all night without it and even rode to daycare without it. Not saying that it was pretty trying to get him in the carseat without it but we did it. Picking him up this afternoon at daycare and not giving him the paci in the truck will probably be an ugly scene too. I’ve read some articles online all of which recommend taking it away around the age of 1. They say the sooner the better the easier. I don’t want to traumatize him because right now he doesn’t understand why I’m taking it away. Surely he won’t remember it when he’s older…I’ve read that if you cut the tip off of the paci and then give it to the child they will not want it because they think it’s “broke”. I don’t want to reintroduce it tonight after going cold turkey last night. The joys of parenting! I don’t think this adventure will be as easy as the bottle. The day after his 1 year checkup we put all the bottles up and we were completely done with them. He never cried for it. Hopefully this afternoon and the next few days will get better…

Beach Bound..

Well not yet but almost! I think we are going to head to Floriday in September. It won't be too hot then and the crowd will be gone. I can hardly wait to put Jaxson's little toes in the sand!!

Dedication/Father's Day

June 19, 2011 was Father’s Day and Parent/Child Dedication at church. I’ve wanted to do the parent/child dedication for a while and I’m so glad we finally got the opportunity. I just pray and hope that we can raise Jaxson to know God and to have morals and values. Today's world is tough and the temptations are awful. I worry that I won't tell him or warn him about certain things enough. And then there are always the "what ifs" What if he hangs out with the wrong crowd? What if he is a little rebel child? Our family and friends came to witness and support us and we were so glad they were there. I believe that it will take all of us as a team to raise Jaxson to be all that he can be and to help him prosper in this world. Jaxson did so good on stage and got a few little goodies. The church gave him a little blue Bible, he got 2 adorable picture frames, bubbles and a new pair of flip flops. A boy can never have too many shoes! Who said girls get to have all the fun! Speaking of shoes, Jaxson thinks he should be able to pick out his own shoes. This morning we had a battle because he picked out the navy blue Keds to wear but they didn’t match his outfit. I wanted him to wear the brown sandals. “Jaxson, you need to wear these shoes because they match. NO” I know I know…pick your battles but a) he’s almost 17 months and b) he’s a boy…just wear the shoes I pick out!  
After church we went back to our house for pizza with the family. I’m so glad we were able to spend Father’s day with our Daddy’s. I love my Daddy and have always and will always be a “Daddy’s girl.” He’s always been an excellent provider, caregiver, Daddy, Mr. Fix It, my personal mechanic…he’s got it all! I know that Emmett was glad to get to spend time with his Dad on Father’s Day as well. Emmett is such a WONDERFUL Dada to our Jaxson Cole. He’s always calm & collected and doesn’t get upset easily. Forgetful and pretty much useless when it comes to house work…yes he is definitely that but we love him anyway! Hey, you can’t have it all!

"Donuts with Dad" at daycare

Father's Day 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Update in Pictures

Carpet Burn Nose

Flip Flop time!

Jaxson & Grandma Shaffer

Daycare is just exhausting!

1st Predators Game (Easter)

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I’ve been MIA from my blog for a while long time…We’ve had so much going on and so little time to get anything done! I’m a horrible bloggingmother. Emmett has been on a couple of work trips lately, leaving me home with 2 dogs and a crazy-wild 15 month old. It’s amazing how clean my house stays when my 27 year old child isn’t there…we sure do miss him when he’s gone though!
Jaxson has gone from being wild to being crazy-wild! He is constantly on the go and doing something he doesn’t need to be doing! He has definitely learned how to test his limits. He knows there are certain candles/decorations he’s not supposed to play with. I will catch him sneaking over close to the untouchable, putting his finger on it and then looking to see if anyone is watching. He loves to talk and carry on conversations, although we have no idea what he’s saying. He does a lot of grunting and whining because he doesn’t know how to express what he’s thinking. Oh the whining-he’s still throwing those fall-out-in-the-floor tantrums and they drive me INSANE! Our action plan: walk away or out of the room when he starts to throw a fit. He usually stops shortly after, gets himself up off the floor and goes on about his business. He’s just like his Moma sometimes-has to get it out and then feels better!
He’s so smart-no really-he’s a genius! :) He knows what certain words mean. If I say go get your jacket or where’s your cup- he knows. He will look for the dogs if I ask where they are. He will pick up shoes if they are lying in the floor and take them to their owner. He’s such a little helper! He will pick up anything and bring it to you. If he gets into a cabinet, I ask him to close the door-and he closes it! Words: ball, dog, cat, milk, cup, truck, dada, nana Sounds: d, n, m, p, c, b, t, g (favorite this week!) Dog: rarara Cow:ooooooo Count: say 1 and hold up 1 finger-and then clap for himself; if I count 1-2-3 he claps for me :) He loves to drink milk and V8 Strawberry/Banana. He will eat most anything you put in front of him. He’s such a good eater-loves bananas lately. He loves to play peek-a-boo and hide & seek right now. His favorite thing to do is to hide under the clothes in the closet and have someone “scare” him. He LOVES (understatement) to be outside! If you take him outside, prepare for a fit when you take him inside. I think he could live out there just pushing toys back and forth and running around the yard. He loves to ride the 4-wheeler, lawn mower and anything else that moves.
He had his 15 month checkup on May 5, 2011. He weighed 21 lbs 4 oz and was 32” tall. He’s still slim-wearing mostly 12 month pants but 18 month shirts because he’s long in the torso. His checkup went fine besides the immunizations he had to get. Good news-no more until he’s 4! Size 3 diapers still but I think it’s about time to move up to size 4.
He had a checkup with the ENT on May 17, 2011. Dr. Logan said the tubes looked fine and seemed to be doing their job. Jaxson does not enjoy the doctor’s office and immediately begins to cry when the doctor walks in. Drama Drama…
I will try to post some pictures soon…yeah don’t hold your breath. He’s getting so big and really isn’t a baby anymore. And I am not ready for baby #2 AT ALL! I am slowly trying to plan our first family beach vacation-it will be mine and Emmett’s first vacation since our honeymoon! I went to Florida last summer with my mother, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and grandmother-in-law but Emmett hasn’t been anywhere since fall 2007! Poor guy. I can’t wait to get Jaxson on the beach although I’m sure he will despise the sand like his PawPaw.
Dada will be turning 28 on Monday! Geez…old man…

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

SICK of being sick!

That’s Jaxson’s exact thought right now! Here’s a recap of the past month or so…
January 27 (2 days before his birthday) he had the flu…
February 9, he got the stomach virus for a full week…it was AWFUL…
February 17 (2 days before my birthday) he got RSV and then bronchitis…that brought with it something new for us…breathing treatments. His nebulizer is a fire truck though so that helped a little. He despised the treatments at first but towards the end of the week he did okay with them. The emergency room doctor diagnosed him with pneumonia and RSV and sent us home with an antibiotic prescription-thanks but no thanks-we were at his doctor the next morning (February 18) because he was having problems breathing and his doctor said he actually had a touch of bronchitis and RSV. He started him on the breathing treatments and those really helped. His oxygen level that morning was 95-which isn’t bad but isn’t good. Because it was okay, he did not have to be hospitalized which I was VERY THANKFUL for! But the doctor said if he didn’t get any better over the weekend to bring him back to the ER to be admitted. Luckily, he was better in about a week. At our follow-up appointment on the following Monday, his oxygen level was better and the doctor said his chest/back sounded almost 70% better compared to Friday.
That was definitely one of the most stressed months of my life I think…I just want my baby to be happy & healthy!
March 6 he started having cold-like symptoms but it may be allergies. I also think he’s cutting a new tooth because he’s chewing on everything again. He hasn’t chewed like this in a long time!  He isn’t running a fever so we aren’t making a trip to the doctor yet.
PRAISE: no ear infections since January 7!!!!

This picture is a little scary but he was excited!

Long overdue Update:

I can’t believe I haven’t updated the blog since his birthday! I’m really behind on things. Since then he got his first haircut on February 5, 2011 at Danny’s Barbershop in Bolivar. That was quite the experience! Jaxson was not happy and squirmed the entire time making it a little hard to get those hair lines perfectly straight. Every now and then he would stop screaming and turn around and look at himself in the mirror. I think I had just as much hair on me as he did!

Since then we have just been running like crazy as usual…always on the road! My birthday was sort of a bust…I was happy that my parents came up and I got great gifts but Jaxson was really sick so I was stressed and not really in the mood. Last weekend (March 4-5), Emmett and I went to see Jason Aldean and Erick Church in Lexington, Kentucky with Emmett’s parents, his sister and her boyfriend. My parents took off work and came up to stay with Jaxson. It was a quick but nice trip.

Jaxson walks/runs around like a crazy man ALL DAY. He absolutely never stops and I’m not sure where he gets all of his energy. He loves to play, aggravate the dogs, eat and be outside. He loves to eat yogurt-I think he would eat it for every meal every day if he could! He also loves spaghetti/pastas, chicken & dumplings, nutri-grain bars, goldfish, fig newtons and MILK MILK MILK! He will eat most anything these days which is better than the transition phase we were in about a month ago. He will be moving up to the 1 year old room at daycare on April 4, 2011. He loves to push his trucks and make the noises to go along with it. He pulls out every book he owns and throws them on the floor. He will share his food with anyone and then say “tank who”. Still not really saying “mama”-I blame it on him just being hardheaded! Loves to say “dada” though when I slowly say “mama” to him. He is a nosy-rosy and is a people watcher like his mama. He loves to be outside and will cry/throw a fit when you make him go in the house. He will grab one of my brushes and brush his hair. He has started biting some but I hope it just goes away….He will say “yep” and nod his head up and down when you ask him something. I think he repeats me when I say “done” when he is finished eating. I pick up on these ½ words although I’m sure no one else can understand him...haha. He loves to chase the dogs with his toys and loves to have his belly tickled. He wants someone to hold his hand when he’s walking. Still doesn’t enjoy having his diaper changed and I’m not enjoying it much either since he’s on regular food now. He is such a little man now and it makes me sad but he’s still such a mama’s boy! I love picking him up at daycare and him smiling and running to me….BEST FEELING EVER! I recently bought him a pair of Puma tennis shoes (cutest things ever!) and he got a Hurley shirt to match his Daddy’s and it just makes him look grown. Oh, and he’s obsessed with his bowl of snacks…if he even spots the bowl he has to have it in his hands even if he doesn’t eat the snacks! Most kids get attached to a blanket or stuff animal…not mine! He is a messy messy eater and could care less if he gets the food all over him or the floor or anything else that will stand in the way-dogs…

I think that about sums up our life lately. We just take it all day by day and praise God for all that he has blessed our family with. I have really enjoyed church the past couple of Sundays and the sermons have really spoken to me. It’s just a good feeling knowing that He’s on our side during this crazy world we live in. When I get really stressed I have to remember to just pray about it and let God handle it for me.

Updated pictures of my handsome little man...
Playing at the Park

 Jaxson at Averly's 1st birthday party on March 12, 2011

LOVES riding the 4-wheeler, lawn mower and anything else that moves!